We would love it and we think it would be great if you would contribute to the plus of Top Engineers Plus. The story behind this endeavor comes from the founders’ grandson caleb. president and owner Stan Torvik’s grandson was born with a condition which involves a variety of non-progressive conditions that are characterized by multiple joint stiffnesses. This condition has led to the Innovation and desire to change this young lad situation along with others who suffer from conditions that are like his. a rare disorder like this occurs one in every 3,000 children
individuals that suffer from conditions like this have a marked life of numerous hospital visits, surgical procedures and recovery from such procedures that requires countless therapy sessions. Here atTop Engineers Plus we desire that no child has to go through this extensive experience over and over again. despite all these challenges Kayla was able to maintain kindness in the loving Spirit toward those around him who don’t have to go through nearly as much as he does who don’t keep that spirit. he is able to weather the storm so that have come but his road is still paid with many obstacles
such obstacles including modeling their home continued Physical Therapy special tools needed for eating and training for experience to support his ever growing needs. recreational opportunities for Caleb have to be reimagined and therapy is put in place to help this young man deal with the reality of his growth as he strives to achieve independent support strategies. Top Engineers Plus strive and desire to develop an invention that will produce solutions to the mobility challenges that Caleb and other individuals with Mobility limiting issues suffer from. this desires will give birth to the invention incubator
The Invention incubator is the Plus in the namesake of the company and this is where we strive to think outside of the box using creative and innovative solutions to help achieve our goal of making new technologies for such children as no one should have to suffer like this. If you would like to make a financial contribution directly towards Caleb’s family you may donate through the He’s Alive Ministries Channel and add a note with his name for it to go directly to him. Your support is life-altering and greatly appreciated in his journey.
When you donate to this cause today without the note it will go directly to the incubator to help me with this need of contributing to the quality of life of mobility and parent individuals all across the land with things such as arthrogryposis . visit our website top Engineers Plus.com and give us a call at 210-944-8670 to be put in touch with ways to donate to this cause. we are in need of funding for the expertise and for the organizational support to create the solutions that are needed along with materials such as computer numerical control machines as well as 3D modeling technology
Top Engineers Plus | Made for This
We believe that you were created to make a difference here Top Engineers Plus. This is the way in which our founder and chief operator Stanford Torvik thanks and is the ideology behind his vision. In the spring of 2018 Stan had a vision and Stan had a goal of creating a Communications engineering firm that would provide the latest in Technologies to empower clients in the communication and electrical utilities industry. This ever evolving demand requires a top level of professional with strength and Independence while also maintaining a level of respect and a level of honor.
These qualities Stan believe that he can Foster. His vision for Top Engineers Plus is that everyone is created to make a difference. This motivated him to put the organization into motion as he created that which would provide an Avenue for qualified professional employees to engage in such work that would make a large difference. This organization would also empower groups and corporations in the industry of communication and in the industry of electrical utilities to make a difference in their lives and in the lives of the community they serve and live in.
As Top Engineers Plus expanded Stan and his leadership team have brought on and collected a number of Unique Individuals who had contributed to the extensive experience of top giving it a high level of expertise. It is the best company in this field and you will not be dissatisfied when you see how far our team is going to go and how many expectations that we exceed with our compelling portfolio and incredible communication skills. The level of service in our capabilities of organizational prowess is a mature rate.
The team assembled is not only the best Force of individuals that you will find but they are one of impeccable character. Top Engineers Plus only institutes and implements the best of the best not only their skill set but also the intangible unseen skills that come from the hidden person of the heart. The manner in which we deliver service to our clientele base is every bit as important as the service and as the server themselves. you are in for a treat and quite the experience of your life you will not be disappointed when you entrust your project to us at this company and firm.
allow our experts to deliver a quality level of service and make a difference as we demonstrate our expertise and your project. Our company’s founder has an extensive level of experience and fields such as fiber optic technology, strategic planning and team building. by creating this company he actualized the vision to create a unique connection Between technology operations and people that’s the namesake of the company. be sure to find out more about this when you visit our website top engineersplus.com and give us a call at 210-944-8670. you will be put in touch with Master planners and given the opportunity to have a strategic plan review for your technological Road map.